Coconut Virgin Oil 250ml

R58.00 incl.

The advantage of coconut oil is that it consists mostly of (healthy) saturated fats, which are more stable at high temperatures than mono- and poly-unsaturated fats. This makes frying with coconut oil a safer option. Coconut oil is also associated with some impressive health benefits. One of these is its beneficial impact on cholesterol levels. Coconut oil raises both HDL and LDL cholesterol levels, but the increase in the ‘good’ HDL cholesterol far outweighs the increase in ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol. Other research suggests that using coconut oil instead of regular vegetable oils can help in weight loss programs. There is also emerging evidence that MCTs can soften the impact of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.


We have both virgin and refined (odourless) coconut oils, both of which are certified organic. Note that the refined coconut oil has been refined entirely without the use of chemicals. The crude oil is filtered, then bleached using bleaching clay (which is filtered out) and then steam-treated to remove any further impurities (this process removes the coconut smell as well).


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